DUCE / EXTEND (Friday-Sunday)
Ari Seppä (b. 1975), a Helsinki-based artist, began his demoscene journey in 1990 with the Amiga. However, it was the discovery of the mesmerizing aesthetics of the Commodore 64 that truly captured his heart. Ari’s work focuses on exploring the intricacies of the C64’s hi-res mode, where creativity thrives within the constraints of a fixed palette of 16 colors and the challenge of only two colors per 8×8 pixel block. These limitations turn every pixel into a precious commodity, demanding meticulous attention to detail and strategic placement. Ari’s passion for pixel art has taken him to numerous demo parties and competitions worldwide, where he has earned recognition and accolades that transcend borders. Through collaborative efforts in creating mesmerizing demos, he has gained invaluable lessons in teamwork and innovation, seamlessly translating these skills into both his artistic and professional endeavors.

ARTO KARTTUNEN (Saturday, Lobby)
Arto Karttunen will present his custom C64s and art on Saturday in the party lobby area. Arto is an artist from Helsinki, Finland, dedicated to paint traditionally old computer game graphics. If you’ve been looking for getting your gear customized, seal the deal…

DANIEL STOLLE (Friday–Sunday)
We’re glad to inform that German illustrator Daniel Stolle will take the seat as our house-gfxer by live illustrating the party throughout the event. Keep your eye on our social medias on some excellent pixel sketches (and check out Daniel’s great work before the party).

The demoscene was born at the heart of the home computer revolution, when young people started experimenting with new technology, both technically and artistically. In Finland, the demoscene was born around the Commodore 64 computer, from where it later spread onto other platforms. The Commodore 64 demoscene culture is still strong, as shown in the Pixeled Years exhibition, which shows a comprehensive overview of pixel graphics from the Finnish Commodore 64 demoscene from the 1980s to the present day. The exhibition, which is an example of heritage work that helps to safekeep demoscene culture by working for an intergenerational transfer of intangible skills and values, was curated by Ari “Duce” Seppä and Tommi “Electric” Musturi. The exhibition is a cooperation of Finnish Museum of Games and Zooparty ry.
Image by ibux / Artline Designs & Onslaught

Hani / Gorbat Soft is working on the “Preserving the Demoscene” project of Finnish Postal Museum and The Finnish Museum of Games, and making a short documentary film about the demoscene as part of the project. She will shoot some material for the project at the Zoo party.
The shooting of the documentary will follow the general rules and ethics, so no one has to be worried about the presence of the camera. If you see Hani with a cam or just enjoying the party, feel free to go and ask about the project or just chat!
Read more about the project in: https://www.postimuseo.fi/en/demoscene-project/