Individual competitions (Graphics, PETSCII, Music) are restricted to only one entry per author, except Zoo Kids Compo that allows two entries per author.
Number of entries in other categories is not limited. However we all love quality over quantity.
Remote entries are accepted.
Submit your entry either as a .PRG or a .D64 file. If your entry has more than one file (info, workstages, etc), compress all of them into zip or other common format and submit that. Submitting an entry is possible only for the registered users. Entries can be submitted in Partyman that will be open for submitting starting 1-Oct-2024.
Deadline schedules are released in the main schedule here.
All pieces shall be previously unreleased original art. Offensive, racist, sexistic, plain boring or illegal content will be disqualified. We’ll reserve ourselves the right to decide what is to be left out.
Please note that use of AI is prohibited in Graphics and PETSCII competitions while with Demo Compo the use of AI is preferred to be mentioned.
All entries shall be runnable with a vanilla C64 (PAL) and loadable either from 1541(-II) floppy drive or 1530 C2N Datasette.
Compo entries are submitted through Zoo website. Link to the PARTYWEB will appear to the website navigation bar. The link is available for the registered party animals only.
In order of preference, please provide your C64 entries either as executable files in .D64 or .PRG file format.
Voting will start when the compos are presented. Voting will be available for registered users only. Registering will open closer to the event. The final results in all the competition categories will be based on average votes.
We are encouraging our audience for ‘fair play voting’ (FPV) meaning the following:
- Respect original art and ideas.
- Base your voting on your own opinion – group-voting is for lamers.
- If you vote, give a vote to every entry in the compo series.
- Voting your own entry? No problemos – just do it fairly.
Our aim is to present the competitions as fair as possible. With FPV we will as well make the scene more welcoming for newcomers.
Each serie winner will receive a custom handmade trophy made Finnish-German sculptor Christian Jütte plus special prizes.
- Prove your creativity – boast with your skills!
- If your demo requires user interaction, please let the organizers know it in advance.
- No size or duration limits, but we might be forced to cut your demo short at some point when the audience has had enough.
- In case your demo uses material made with AI please mention this in the entry information.
- Entries must fit into one standard size block on a standard C64 floppy disk, so maximum .prg file size is 254 bytes (Including the start address).
- Entries must be delivered as .prg files (Disk images are not accepted).
- Entries must run on a standard C64 with a floppy disk drive. *
- Entries must start with RUN -command (Entries with custom SYS-startup are not accepted).
- No “Autorun on load” -techniques allowed.
- You may assume “after hard reset” -conditions. *
- Basic entries are allowed (Please let the organizers know, if you want the listing to be shown).
*) Be aware that the compo machine will have some version of Ultimate-1541 cartridge installed, but still your entry must be capable of running without any cartridges installed.
- SID sounds all day long!
- Provide your original and previously unreleased song as an executable. The executable shall include the name and credits for the tune. Only compo slides will be shown during the music compo, not players nor visualizations. We will play out maximum of 3 minutes per tune, depending on the number of entries. The compo will be played in random order as two sections with a short break in-between.
- Use only one SID chip! Tunes using two or more SID chips will participate in WILD compo.
- If your song does include a loop, please let us know the exact loop point so the fade-out will be smooth.
- Please inform us if you want your song to be played either with 8580 or 6581.
- Providing additional information (player, speed, use of samples etc.) on your entry is highly recommended.
- Note that the deadline for Music Compo is this year earlier, at Friday 1-Nov-2024 6PM local time.
- All the Music Compo entries will be available for relistening straight after the compo in the Zooparty TV YouTube channel and as executables from Zoo’24 event in CSDB.
- Pixel magic without restrictions!
- Any graphics format (Hires, multicolor, interlace,…) is accepted. Converting is not accepted at any stage of the image. This concerns scans or googled images or collages out of these. However, you may use a reference image such as a photo taken by you or sketch you have drawn. Handmade remakes are accepted but in such case please provide all necessary information on the original art (author, title etc.) – this information will be shown along the image. However, we encourage you to focus on your own handmade unique art and ideas.
- Graphics will be shown for one minute per piece. Audio will be muted during the graphics compo. You may have your signature in the image.
- We require minimum of ten (10) workstages of every image. Provide the stages in zip package along the executable file. Make the workstages so that they truly present the creation of the image from blank screen to the final stage. An image without proper presentation of the workflow will be disqualified. Also the workstages may be released for public after the party.
- Use of AI is not accepted at any stage of the image.
- Any additional information (format, tools, motif…) about your workflow is highly encouraged.
- To learn more about healthy ways of making pixel art for C64 demoscene please read the document Pixel Art in The C64 Demoscene.
- Entries with unclear originality will be disqualified.
- Scii or PET!
- Submit an image drawn with the original PETSCII character set using standard character mode. Maximum size is 40×25 characters. You may tune the screen colours ($d021 / $d020) while using rasters or animation is a no-no. Entry shall be provided as an executable. Audio will be muted during the compo. You may have your signature in the image. PETSCII will be shown for one minute per piece.
- Converting is not accepted at any stage of the image. This concerns scans or googled images or collages out of these. However, you may use a reference images such as a photo taken by you or sketch you have drawn. Handmade remakes are accepted but in such case please provide all necessary information on the original art (author, title etc.) – this information will be shown along the image. However, we encourage you to focus on your own handmade unique art and ideas.
- Use of AI is not accepted at any stage of the image.
- We require minimum of ten (10) workstages of PETSCII graphics as well. Provide the stages in zip package along the executable file. Make the stages so that they truly present the creation of the image from blank screen to the final stage. An image without proper presentation of the workflow will be disqualified. Work stages may be provided as executables or images (PNG / JPG preferred). Also the stages may be released for public after the party.
- To learn more about healthy ways of making graphics for C64 demoscene please read the document Pixel Art in The C64 Demoscene.
- Entries with unclear originality will be disqualified.
- Pure Commodore Basic V2 – unleash your syntax!
- In this category we encourage you to create one mindblowing effect with good old C64 Basic – can you do it? Let that be a one-liner or blast the screen with data – it’s all appreciated.
- The entry needs to be a single screen effect. Sounds and music are allowed, as long as it’s pure basic.
- Each entry will be shown for minimum of one minute or through the length of the presentation. Please notify the staff whether your entry loops or has an end.
- No SYS into RAM allowed! SYS commands are allowed only for jumping into standard ROM-codes.
- Any entry running custom machine code will be disqualified. (Regardless of the method used)
- The entries will be run on standard breadbox. You may load but note that such luxury as Action Replay turbo is not available.
- Cover your disks – create a Disk cover for a 5.25″ floppy. Drawn artwork, paper weaving, origami, etc. Surprise us!
- Shall be distributable as a single-sided A4, PDF with resolution of 300dpi or higher. At least one assembled sample is required.
- Download the ZOO Disk Cover template
- Cherish and develop the Commodore culture!
- Now this is a place for your creativity! Your party feature entry may be the coolest banner for your group, a hacked and pimped C64, the craziest set-up of CBM hardware, publish a novel C64 program or game, present a new clever way to utilize C64 in your application, decorate the party place, throw a video presentation… Use your imagination! Contact the organizers before the party for the practical things. Loud noisemakers and epilepsy-inducing stroboscopic lights are not preferred
- Be prepared to get interviewed by our compo hosts about your entry.
- Wild means Wild and due that we’ve extended our previous parties’ rules a bit. This year your entry for Wild Compo may be ‘anything we can run or play’ – let that be a demo on some strange machine, a production on echanced C64, video footage of you imitating rasterbars – whatever. Just make sure it’s somehow related with 8-bit machinery and we’re happy.
- Demos running with non-standard C64 set-up fall also into this category.
- If your device is something exotic, contact the organizers early enough (prior 14-Oct-2024) to minimize incompatibility issues. We’ll figure it out.
- Maximum run-time per entry is 10 minutes.
- Due the ’22 success with The Zoo Kids (TZK) compo we will continue to raise the next generation of C64 demo sceners.
- No limits what it can be if it only runs on standard breadbox.
- Let that be graphics, music or whatever.
- Due the amount of entries last time we are now limiting the amount to two (2) entries per kid.
- Age limit for participants is 12yo or younger. No documents needed for this – we trust you.
- Give the age of the participant along the entry and we’ll announce it when running the work on the screen.
- If the entry requires help from adult (let that be for example simple code) you’re free to provide it. Just make sure that the creativity of the real author is in focus with the entry.
- The party results will announce only Top 5 and all the participants will get a prize.
- We invite both sceners and pro developers to send us games for a game development compo.
- Got that ‘something’ on your floppy that never got finished? Well, it’s time to get it out!
- Anything ‘playable’ ran on standard C64 is allowed as long as your entry can be considered as a game of its own – go simple, complex or nuts!
- SEUCK and other game making tools are allowed.
- Playable versions of games upcoming accepted as well BUT please note we will release all the entries for public after the party.
- Let your game happen on basic or machine language – all good.
- You may release your entry for public testing on Monday 6pm 28-Oct-2024. Release your entry in CSDB under the official Zoo’24 event with the release type “C64 Game”.
- The entries must be submitted with a max. 3-minute long video clip from the developer.
- Two (2) games.
- Joysticks: bring your own weapon of choice! Auto-fire and auto-movement trickery are not allowed.
- Enroll to the gaming competitions at the partyplace. The qualifications and the grande finale are both on Saturday.
- The games will be announced latest one (1) month before the event. FYI: Sex Games is not in on this year.