We summoned and you all answered the call. You were not afraid of ghosts!
Astonishing amount of excellent productions. After little traditional timetable issues and soon-to-be-legendary partybus experience (but hey, u made it there!) the little wait was worth a while. We don’t hope – we know it was a show of epic proportions both at home watching the stream but especially at the party place in beautiful and warm Orivesi. Little recovery time is perhaps required but otherwise we keep going, keep listening the jungle drums, one day they will bring you news what’s about to come.
ZOOparty 2024 official results are here: https://ftp.scene.org/pub/parties/2024/zoo24/results.txt
All the productions are available in the CSDB https://csdb.dk/event/?id=3297 and Scene.org https://ftp.scene.org/pub/parties/2024/zoo24/ and don’t forget our friends at Demozoo and their all inclusive links https://demozoo.org/parties/4679/
Check our Youtube channel Zoopartytv with all the competitions and events. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUhLhl-ceXSshi27ALcAbdg
Serious stats & fun facts
Visitors: 250 (91% Finnish, 9% Other)
Releases: 157 (154 for the competitions)
Votes cast: 13 229 (by 288 registered voters)
Total audience: 3 035 (physical & online)
Home page visitors: 5 748 (with total of 14 246 visits)
• 775 litres of beverages consumed
• 112 diner dinners eaten
• Ca. 30 kg of raw / veg sausage grilled, accompanied by 15 kg of corn salad

Thanks for the photos to Codetsu, Codise, Electric, Galactus, Hani, Manu, Poro, Tuuli & Vent!

Pictures from our house-gfxer Danied Stolle, drawn live during the party weekend.